Sunday, October 21, 2007


GAI HOR BAI THEY........IKAN PEPE........COM CHIN THAI CAN.......sounds like a dialogue straight out of a Jet li movie......makes you feel like you were in the middle of China Town.....Well, so did i, these syllables sound like an encrypted morse code...encrypted it is...but tasty nevertheless.........
Yeah, yeah....the first few lines definitely don't make sense. I'm talking about the latest PAN- ASIAN cuisine restaurant in Bangalore "SAIGON". The names mentioned above are some of the items dished out by this fabulous restaurant.
If you are a gourmet of asian food, with a zest for a fine dining experience. Well this is the place to be. Saigon, definitely brings Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines cuisine to Bangalore.
A well set ambiance of wooden decor bringing a rich and colourful setting right to your table. Very succulent dishes, cooked in wholesome sauce, rice wine, pokchoy etc.
Saigon specializes in sea food. If you happen to be there make sure to try their catch of the day. You can pick the fish you like and chefs will belt out a dish that makes your taste buds go bonkers.
Overall, Saigon offers an exotic culinary journey. A trip to Saigon is definitely worth the penny.


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