Sunday, October 7, 2007

Ferrari - Robbed!!!!!!!

Ferrari - Robbed!!!!!!!!

Quite an headline isn't it. Ever wonder what a furore it would create if newspapers across the globe were to publish an article with this headline.

Robbed!!!! Well, quite to the literal sense of the word, is what Ferrari (F1) The team has felt all through this seaon.

Ever since the scandal surfaced (scandal involving the technical specifications of Ferrari's F1 cars to thier rivals- Mclaren)the team hasn't been quite the Ferrari we know off. The Prancing Horses seems to have been tamed by thier English Jockeys (Mclaren).

This season has been marred by controversy involving both teams, with ferrari going all out against their rivals in the ocurt of law.(Well fans would been lot more happy to have seen the same zeal on the race track).Ferrari has been sucessful in fishing out it's WhistleBlower (Nigel Stepney - The man who sold the Prancing Horse)but maybe the damage was already done.

So, is Mclaren running the Prancing Horse under the hood of the Three Pointed Star. Perhaps!!!!. So, is ferrari competeing against it's own self.Quite Possible. So, is Ferrari being made to fight against itself and draw it's own blood. Most Defintely yes. This has been evident all sesson with Ferrari trying to come up with a different car. A car more faster and reliable than their existing car (being used by Mclaren).I guess that was asking a little too much of the great car maker to develop and build two set of cars the same season. One for them and the other for their rivals.

Law took it course and found Mclaren quilty. The IAF meted out its punishment against them. Snatched away all the constructors points from them.A little solace for the scarlet team who's ego had been battered.Nevertheless, the championship is still at stake.

So, at the end of the season will it be the Prancing Horse that soars or the 3 pointed Star that shines in all it's glory. Only time will tell.

FORZA FERRARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Girish said...

good start ... way to go ...
the writer in u is finally unleashed -;)